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The Charter of the Crimson Coast

Notice of Intent of The order of the Crimson Coast
     The intent of we, the Order of the Crimson Coast, is simple.  We are all here to have fun and embark on what should be an enjoyable learning endeavor.  We wish to promote the knowledge and arts of the Middle Ages and the maritime cultures of later periods.  This is to be a ship's crew that furthers the understanding of the Medieval/Renaissance era, and the Golden Age of Piracy.
     Our hearty crew has the freedom to create their own personae within the Markland timeframe, as well as free selection of era and personality type.  All crewmembers must have an active researched persona to maintain accuracy and realism.  Although our ship's personnel may have many a persona within Markland, it is necessary to create oneself a persona that is fitting to the age and practice of piracy, in order to avoid keelhauling on the Crimson Coast.  And don't you be thinkin' for one minute that you can name yourself a rank here on this ship.  Although we do recognize Markland-wide titles, we of the Crimson Coast are all equal in standing among the rest of our crew.
Policies of the Crimson Coast
as of August 6, 2007
     I.  Membership
     Membership approval within the crew is handled on a person-to-person basis.  In most cases this requires a unanimous vote among the existing crew.This is done as follows. There is a two (2) month "getting to know you" period. After this period all members will be given a black and a white ball.  Each person will then place either a white ball (for yes) or a black ball (for no) into a box. If the box contains two (2) or more balls at the time of the counting then it is a no and the person will be placed on another 2 month probation period.  Ther are three guidelines for maintaining membership
     -You must have a paid Markland membership.
     -you must maintain a consistent line of communication with the crew and be present for events/meetings as often as you are
       able.  You must make a genuine effort in the most enjoyable way possible to further your personal growth within the crew.
     -Finally, you must adhere to the principles set forth in our Charter.
     II. Voting/Meeting Format
     All decision made on board the Crimson Coast are based on a unanimous vote among current/active crewmembers, unless there are extenuating circumstances.  Once a year, there will be a mandatory meeting to host annual elections for the five offices aboard the ship.  Anyone interested in trying out an office should make it known, regardless of any prior experience.  Your crewmates will be more than happy to train anyone interested in trying an office.  The current offices are as follows:
     -Treasurer:  Keeper of the Funds
     -Historian:   Keeper of the crews log and recorder of events.
     -President: Maintains order at meetings and in charge of checking
                      the camp after an event to make sure it is clean.
     -Vice President:  Care for presidents duties if not available.
     -Public Relations: handles all public affairs such as setting up events, checking the web site and myspace page, and sending emails from the crew.  
     Once a month, there will be a meeting on deck.  The time and date of the following meeting will be set at the end of the current meeting, to accommodate the mundane lives of our crewmembers.  Beyond this, there will be periodic workshops and unofficial meetings as the need arises.  The official monthly meeting will run in an average format of:
     1. Old business
     2. New business
     3. Officer reports
     III. Rank and Title of the Crimson Coast
     As stated earlier, we recognize Markland-wide titles, however, our crew is on equal standing.  Examples of Markland-wide titles are Knight, King, etc.
     In wartime where our crew is a main focus, we always follow our pirate code and support one of our own, unless there are extenuating circumstances.  Otherwise, we must remember that we are pirates and share no loyalty with anyone in particular outside of our crew.
     Finally, we are going to support the throwing of mutiny parties.  Every time our crew is fully assembled and one of our crew yells "MUTINY", each crewmember will pick their current,  unofficial rank out of the pirate hat.  There will be no more than one mutiny party in any 24 hour period.
     We, the Order of the Crimson Coast, do intend to uphold all rules, regulations, and policies laid down within the Markland organization by the ruling body, past, present, and future provided these policies are reached by democratic means.
     Although our crew does vote on who has permission to board our fine vessel, the factors of race, gender, age, sexual orientation, physical limitation or other aspects do not figure into our decisions.  Our crew does not discriminate against anyone; otherwise, how could we call ourselves pirates!?
-The Order of the Crimson Coast

This charter used with permission from the Pirates of the Lost Cause. 


We be the best pirates what sailed the seven seas, drunk to the gills or no.